Monday, 2 January 2017

DriveThruCards/OneBookShelf review!:)))

First I wish you all Happy New Year and Holidays!:)) And as my NY gift to you I present you my review for my new favorite POD DriveThruCards!:)) aka

I know about this POD way back and it was always on my to *do list to test their work, but what threw me off every time was outdated user (not)friendly interface and idea I had to submit my deck in pdf format?x,x  (wth? most of POD accept standard img files) +long list of instructions how to do that in right way!x,x (Edit this baby may help you skip few boring steps but you are using it on your own responsibility!XD :)))
Good News is; there is BETA option to upload your cards img designs for poker size cards so we can hope this will become standard soon! Until then we're stuck with pdf, actually it's simple once you stop freaking about it and do it!:)) and don't worry about that CMYK/RGB thing, now when I actually did some research and see it printed imo all that CMYK thing is practically what every printer do but don't bother telling you about?!:))) and your colors will look even better than on your screen and as with most printers look exactly as your screen as long as you stay away from light green n blue!^^ lolz 

all you need to do is follow instruction (as close as you can!) and ask for help if you stuck at any point and this is where I say;
DriveThruCards have a best customer support EVER!^^:))  Thank you for great job!^^ :))
you'll be surprised with quick reply n help through *print preparation process that may seems quite dreadful at moments tnx to outdated user interface,!^^:)

Now done with boring part it's time for good part of this review!:))
and there is more to that so let's start with the best;

1st prize for best shipping rates ever goes to DriveThruCards!
seriously I was SHOCKED(positively!^^:) when my shipping end up under 3$?x,x that seems IMPOSSIBLE for my part of the world (aka not US/notEU) especially as it say; Ships from US and I was prepared for worst knowing that and my order was not that light;3x36card decks +15 test cards! 
then another surprise!:)) Update November 2021 Shipping rates outside US are +20$!x//

2fast shipping!^^ my order arrived 18days after shipping which is miracle by itself especially considering it was holiday time!^^:)) as usually it take at least 20days from US to my part of the world even with better shipping options, and here i got it under 3$ and within 18days!:))) and best part NO TAX! even it say printed in US I wasn't even charged for regular post check out!x,x how cool is that?

good time to say;

3rd printing rates! all mentioned above (bridge size and Premium Card Stock with UV!) cost me around 10$!:)  (just look at that larger print n poster options!^^ these are tempting crowdfunding rewards!XD;))) Update November 2021 price Up!

4nd print quality!^^ Superhappy with Premium Card stock with UV finish!^^ Colors& text prints look better than on screen!^^ and range of card sizes they offer; Tarot, poker, bridge, mini! and prints and boxes (plan ordering all that next time!^^:)   and best part this is ONLY POD that you can go with any number of cards you wish! i.e 11, 23,38, 99 etc!^^:) Update:  August 2021 discontinued Bridge card size & linen cardstock option for all card sizes smaller than Tarot!x//

5  Publisher shop page option to sell your decks directly from DTC;
and you can set up your selling price, and even offer download and printed books!:)))
 (I plan adding my other selfpublished deck n books soon so be sure to check it out again!^^:)))

and with that I conclude my review!^^ HAPPY DISCOVERING NEW FAV POD! N LOOKING FORWARD TO MY NEXT ORDER!^^ (that will include custom design boxes n Art Prints/Posters!^^ will be sure to post my review about that as well!^^ ;))

Here are some photo proofs to back up my review!^^ 
hope you like! I know I do!^^ and feel free to ask me anything!^^:))
(as you can see, all deck arrived in puffy yellow envelop &cell wrap as I forgot to order box! facepalm ;)) and with one test card that say Printed in US and info about stock etc I like!:) )
hm, my camera skill is not best but you got idea!^^:)) did I mention all cards are ordered from 1 to last as you can see on lenormand deck above!^^:)) and here are some photos of actual cards;
                       (Note;shiny bg is gift wrap i happen to have at table at the moment!XD :)))

                                                   Grand Tableu barely fit camera!x,x :))

and Restored Coffee Cards (waiting British Museum permission before publishing!:)))
here is 1snapshot to give you idea how good it looks!XD
(btw if you wonder Celestial;Sun,Moon Star card back design is same for my Ancient Lenormand!^^:)))


and some test cards from 2Tarot deck I'm working right now (one is Chakra Tarot all info here!)
other is experimental *Mystery deck with Ancient feel!XD that will be super limited edition with maybe 50 copies for sale only?x,x :)) 
few more close up to give you idea about colors; front;
                                flip back, btw if you're confused I used 15test card to mix different back n
                                     front designs!XD so my 2 of Water flips to 2 of Air!XD LOLZ :))

and few colored cards from supercute deck*(that may seems familiar but it's so infamous we don't dare speak it's name!XD LOLZ so let's just say I modified these few cards with author permission but just to test that style n my coloring skill and there will NEVER EVER BE FULL DECK LIKE THAT!^^( as far as I know:)) and must say i was shocked how good this super flashy colors turn out!XD especially considering how dull it look in my CMYK pdf?x,x 

(again, sorry for bad camera!x,x but let's say it benefit deck identity protection here!XD lolz :)))

and different card back designs I tested;
                                         (hm, again bad camera, RL colors much better!^^:))

 oh! and there is Happy Squirrel I get as gift same day this order arrived!XD so I treat her as part of the pack n be sure to upload good photo when I catch her!XD LOLZ ;))

 hope you find this review fun and useful!^^ if you have any question feel free to ask me n comment!^^
wish you all best in ny and every other year after!^^ and to find happiness in everything you do every day of your life!^^ :)))

 till next!
all best!^^