Sunday 1 November 2020

Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry review & Why it's Must Have!

Happy to share review of my favorite Angel Tarot EVER & here is why;

I’ve been watching this deck development with interest from start on ks last year (seems so long ago now!!!?x.x) Intrigued by idea of Angel Sigils connection to Tarot Deck!:) & even I had to skip actual ks deck I was able to get digital reward that included Best Angel Sigil Guidebook explaining it all in Simple & Easy way that finally help me understand how *Angel Sigil works & enabled me to dive into it/aka Start my own Angel Sigil Craft Study!xD lol (Sharing more exciting content & resources in next post!;) 

Travis McHenry is one of my favorite Tarot Deck Creators & Authors for fact he do all his research in person by traveling & visiting ancient dusty libraries (check his insta for pic & updates on new decks!:) & extracting interesting historic facts & manuscripts content studies with ability to present summary & important facts for us to enjoy in a way it’s easy to get to the point without reading +500pages that will leave you with more questions than answers!x.x (yes, I’m looking at you Mr Solomon! \\@.@// Note: The Keys of Solomonic Magic and Spirit Conjures Blog post is Best Summary & free download compilation if you are interested in Sigils magic history!:) 

I was Happy for News of mass edt & even more for chance to win it!:D & After receiving my copy of Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry as experienced Tarot reader, collector & member of Deck Creator Guild must say @rockpoolpublishing did great job with this Angel deck & book set in beautifully designed quality sturdy 2 piece box with Golden embossing & matte finish soft to touch present on booth book & cards as well.

Design of the box match book & card back pearl color with alchemy inscriptions & box interior is my favorite vintage gold with Sigil ornaments pattern.
(Note: Deck is wrapped with paper band & insert holding deck would benefit better design that would prevent card slide, my easy fix is transparent tape around cardholder edges so deck stay in place & easy to flip out!:)

Angel Tarot accompanying guidebook: Insightful guide by Travis McHenry is actual book top paper & print quality with over 100 full color pages great readability text size & font I like!:)

Book chapters cover: introduction, hierarchy of angels, conjuration & departure invocation for summoning & working with angels, protective role of Grand Pentacle of Solomon & basic instruction for working with Angel Tarot for Evoking, Meditation & Readings as well as Angel name pronunciation & meaning of all symbols & text on each card!:)

& full page for each Angel name with corresponding attributes & Psalm verse. Note my old android camera is bit blurry at times but you can find better Pic on amazon & see all text is clearly visible!:)

 I FIND THIS BOOK GREAT SUMMARY & Intro to Angel Magic!:) & only noticed it don’t actually mention Tarot card keywords/meanings when someone pointed it to me on insta!:) I was like Whaaa? as pro reader I don’t actually rely on card meaning provided anyway as imo we all develop our own *keywords with time?!:) guess it may be confusing for Tarot novice & it helps having some basic knowledge about Tarot card meaning if you need some tips download my free Major & Minor Arcana keywords here!:)

Deck size is Standard Tarot size 7x12cm but seem wider & cardstock firm & thicker than most mass printed decks by popular publishers. Beautiful matte finish gives nice Shwushhh sound when shuffling I like!^^;) Card Back Design is Pearl & Grand Pentacle of Solomon not reversible but may work both ways depending on your preferences to read with reversals or not? Personally I find this deck in particular is not meant to use reversals & for me works best as Alchemy Oracle & Meditation tool. Note when working with this deck (shuffling, drawing cards, reading, meditation etc) I recommend having this back Sigil in your field of vision as seen on pic above!^^(: more about my method of working with this deck in insta post here!:) 

 Card Design is different from what you may expect from Tarot (RWS, Thoth or Marselj!;) or *popular aka pretty Angel Tarot art style!^^:) but works same as All cards have Tarot title printed on top above associated Angel number name and attribute. Angel description is printed on card bottom and I find to work perfect as Oracle keywords. Angel illustrations here are my favorite Vintage interesting & funny at times, offering different perspective over traditional depiction & force your brain to think *out of box aka rethink your traditional Tarot card meanings & change prejudice that All Angels are pretty humanoids with Beautiful wings or adorable chubby babies!?x.x lol this works perfect for me as I prefer astrological approach & interpret Angels as *Celestial Energy Influence same as horoscope or planet influence etc with difference this Angel influence may be summoned in our life by our will/Calling/Invocation?!^^:) for All reasons mentioned this is one of my top shelf decks I enjoy working with & revisiting Angel influences Daily!^^:)


I Conclude this review with summary: Angel Tarot by Travis McHenry is Must Have if you are Tarot deck collector or interested in learning about Angel Sigil Magic as it provide basic for all *modern sigil decks you may see on ks & wish to know more about its original history source & craft practice!;D & Recommended to Everyone open to try something new by bringing these Angel energies into your life!^^;) my only remark is I wish Sigils are larger so you can actually read text on each as it's original Latin version of Psalm verse given for each Angel in English & imo Latin (or Hebrew!;) sounds much better & fit my idea of Alchemy craft as I happen to know some!;) & with author generously dedicating these sigils in public domain for everyone to use for free i may as well print my own Sigil Cards?:) lol will share my progress on insta!;)


1st Angel of The Shem HaMephorash Vehuiah name writen with angel font in center of Sigil & Psalm text in Latin The Book of Psalms Chapter 3:3:

 "tu autem Domine clipeus circa me gloria mea et exaltans caput meum "  

my *modern English translation: God is my circle (shield) my glory and exaltans of my head. 

Incantation used for protection glory & optimism/strength/health/persistence. 

Exactly what we All need!:)

& if you wish to see how it look printed check my rb stickers & other redesigns here!:)

Thank You All for visiting & reading my blog! 

Hope you enjoy my reviews & learn something new!;) 

p.s Originally I intended uploading these Sigils on Wikipedia for everyone easy access but was disappointed aka trashed out by their strict editor politic that prevents adding content that may be considered promotional & even changing links or incorrect information on Wikipedia page is No, as it turns out they value their own stuff to be Omniscient in All fields Wikipedia over possible specialized new member?;) *wink wink my point is: Don't Trust Wikipedia They Don't Always Know Better!;)

& I will be sharing these Sigils as well as my personal notes on each angel on my insta & deviantart page so stay tuned!;)

Peace & Love!


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